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Saskatoon East Central, SK - Postcode - S7H - Postal Codes & Zip Codes List


Location Saskatoon East Central
City/District Saskatoon
States or Territories Saskatchewan
States or Territories Abbrieviation SK
Postcode S7H


Item Description
Latitude 52.1168
Longitude -106.6345


Saskatchewan, Canada

Located in the middle of the Prairie Provinces, Saskatchewan is a prairie and boreal province. Northwest Territories and Nunavut are on its eastern and northern borders, while Alberta and Montana and North Dakota are on its western and southern flanks. Only two Canadian provinces are bordered by water: Saskatchewan and Alberta. As of the second quarter of 2022, Saskatchewan's population was estimated at 1,186,308 people. Fifty-one percent (651,900 square kilometers, or 2,51700 square miles) of Saskatchewan is covered by fresh water, primarily in the form of the province's 100,00 lakes, tributaries, rivers, and reservoirs. The lack of nearby bodies of water with moderating effects in Saskatchewan is due to the province's continental climate. During the summer months in the southern states, temperatures can reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It is possible in the winter for temperatures to fall to as low as 49 degrees Fahrenheit, even in the southern hemisphere.

A majority of the province's population lives in the southern prairies, while the northern boreal regions are largely uninhabited. Saskatoon and Regina, the province's two largest cities, are home to more than half of the province's residents. In addition to Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current and North Battleford, Saskatchewan's border city of Lloydminster is also a notable city (partially within Alberta). The official language of Saskatchewan is English, which is spoken by 82.4 percent of the population.

Saskatchewan has been home to numerous indigenous peoples for countless millennia. In 1690, European explorers first set foot in the area, and the first settlers arrived in 1774. When the North-West Territories were created in 1905, they included the majority of the Canadian Prairies, which were previously part of the North-West Territories. Social-democratic governments were elected in the province in the early 20th century, and the province became known as a bastion of the movement in Canada. The province's economic foundation is built on agriculture, mining, and energy.

Russell Mirasty currently holds the position of Lieutenant Governor in the state of New Hampshire. Scott Moe is the current premier. Since 2007, the province has been ruled by the Saskatchewan Party. In 1992, the federal and provincial governments and the First Nations in Saskatchewan signed a landmark land claim agreement. They were compensated and allowed to purchase land on the open market for their bands; they've now gotten hold of about 3,079 square kilometers (761,000 acres; 1,200 square miles). Settlement funds from some First Nations have been used to invest in urban areas, such as Regina and Saskatoon.

Geographical Description of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is the only province without a natural border. Because the province's borders are largely determined by geographic longitude and latitude, it is roughly a quadrilateral, or a shape with four sides. The 49th parallel boundary and the 60th northern boundary appear curved on globes and numerous maps. Because of surveyor-drawn correction lines that were drawn prior to the homestead program, the province's eastern border does not follow a line of longitude (1880–1928).

West: Alberta; North: Northwest Territories; East: Manitoba; South: Montana; North Dakota; Northeast: Nunavut; Southeast: North Dakota; Southwest: Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is the only Canadian province whose borders are not delineated by physical features of the landscape (i.e. they are all parallels and meridians). Saskatchewan and Alberta are the only two provinces without access to the sea.

The southern third of Saskatchewan is home to the vast majority of Saskatchewan's population, which lives south of the 53rd parallel.

The Boreal Forest can be found in the northern part of Saskatchewan, while the Prairies can be found in the southern part. Located close to the North Saskatchewan River on the west and the Saskatchewan River on the east, they are separated by an aspen transition zone. The majority of northern Saskatchewan is covered by forest, with the exception of the Lake Athabasca Sand Dunes, which are the largest active sand dunes north of 58° and are located on the southern shore of Lake Athabasca. Sand dunes known as the "Great Sand Hills" can be found in southern Saskatchewan, covering over 300 square kilometers (120 sq mi). These two regions of Saskatchewan, the Cypress Hills and the Killdeer Badlands, were untouched by the Wisconsin glaciation, the most recent glacial period, and are both located in the southwest corner of Saskatchewan.

The Cypress Hills, less than two kilometers from the Alberta border, contain the province's highest point, at 1,392 meters (4,567 feet). The lowest point on the shore of Lake Athabasca is 213 meters (699 ft). 14 major drainage basins comprised of rivers and watersheds draining into the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, and Gulf of Mexico are found in the province of Quebec.

Economy of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan's economy has long been based on agriculture, and wheat is the state flower depicted on the province's flag. For the year 2018, only 8.9% of the province's GDP was generated through these activities. Grain production in Canada is dominated by Saskatchewan. In 2017, canola production surpassed that of wheat for the first time in the history of the country. In Saskatchewan, wheat is the province's most well-known crop and the one that most people associate with it. In 2017, agricultural net income was $3.3 billion, a decrease of $900 million from the previous year. Flax, rye, oats, peas, lentils, canary seed, and barley are also grown in the province. The state of Saskatchewan is the world's leading exporter of mustard seed. Alberta is the only Canadian province to produce more beef cattle than any other. As a major industry in the province's north, forestry is also prevalent.

In Saskatchewan, potash and uranium mining is a major industry, making it the world's largest exporter. Saskatchewan's economy depends on both oil and natural gas production, with oil having the greater impact. Saskatchewan is the only Canadian province to produce more oil than Alberta. To get heavy crude, you have to go to Lloydminster-Kerrobert-Kindersley. Light crude is found in the Kindersley-Swift Current and Weyburn-Estevan fields. From the Primrose Lake area through Lloydminster, Unity, Kindersley and Leader to the area around Maple Creek, almost all of Saskatchewan's natural gas can be found in the western part of the province.

Among the companies mentioned are the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (now defunct as of December 2017), Federated Cooperatives Ltd., and IPSCO.

These include SaskTel, SaskEnergy (the primary natural gas supplier in Saskatchewan), and SaskPower, the province's largest publicly-owned utility company. Bombardier operates the NATO Flying Training Center at 15 Wing in the vicinity of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Bombardier was awarded a $2.8 billion long-term contract by the federal government in the late 1990s to purchase military aircraft and operate a training facility. More than 451,000 customers and $4.5 billion in assets have been served by SaskPower since 1929, when it was founded. There are nearly 2,500 full-time, permanent employees working for SaskPower in the province's seventy-one communities.

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